Onedate Dating Site

Onedate Dating Site Rating: 5,7/10 6703 votes
{ 'stories_0':{ 'dataM': { 'name': 'John', 'age': '35 years old', 'city': 'New York (USA)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_0_m.jpg', 'answer0': 'Curiosity, for fun, and to pass the time while at the office', 'answer1': 'I did', 'answer2': 'Everything', 'answer3': 'Chat', 'answer4': 'For the time being, we see each other two weekends a month and we’re between New York and Philly. I hope to finish the house pretty soon so we can start living together. ' }, 'dataF': { 'name': 'Blair', 'age': '27 years old', 'city': 'Philadelphia (USA)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_0_f.jpg', 'answer0': 'By chance, then I continued out of curiosity', 'answer1': 'He did, he wrote a couple things through the chat which really caught my attention.', 'answer2': 'The picture, he's so cute!', 'answer3': 'Chat', 'answer4': 'I’d really love to go and live with him in New York.' }, 'photoMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_0.jpg', 'photoBigMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_0_big.jpg', 'intro' : 'After a few weeks we were a 'couple' already' }, 'stories_1':{ 'dataM': { 'name': 'Paul', 'age': '31 years old', 'city': 'Ontario (Canada)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_1_m.jpg', 'answer0': 'To meet women.', 'answer1': 'She did', 'answer2': 'Everything, a wonderful girl who had something special. She's funny and intelligent', 'answer3': 'Winks, chat and messages... All the instruments on the site!', 'answer4': 'My dream is to be always next to her!' }, 'dataF': { 'name': 'Emma', 'age': '30 years old', 'city': 'Toronto (Canada)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_1_f.jpg', 'answer0': 'I got an invitation, and then... you know how it goes... female curiosity!', 'answer1': 'I did', 'answer2': 'Everything', 'answer3': 'The wink', 'answer4': 'I went to Ontario for Christmas, I haven't seen him for many days now... I miss him. Plans?! Move between his arms!' }, 'photoMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_1.jpg', 'photoBigMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_1_big.jpg', 'intro' : 'I met my dream and even if we are far away, thanks to [siteName] he is always close to me' }, 'stories_2':{ 'dataM': { 'name': 'George', 'age': '37 years old', 'city': 'London (UK)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_2_m.jpg', 'answer0': 'Because it was a fast way to meet new people without getting out of the house', 'answer1': 'I saw her in a picture, I really liked her so I decided to send her a message', 'answer2': 'Honestly I was impressed by her profile picture, she's gorgeous', 'answer3': 'Messages', 'answer4': 'An amazing love like this, doesn’t need any plans!! ' }, 'dataF': { 'name': 'Sarah', 'age': '36 years old', 'city': 'London (UK)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_2_f.jpg', 'answer0': 'Out of curiosity, a friend of mine introduced it to me', 'answer1': 'He did', 'answer2': 'We've got a lot in common', 'answer3': 'Messages and chat', 'answer4': 'Well, we’re becoming mom and dad in September…' }, 'photoMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_2.jpg', 'photoBigMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_2_big.jpg', 'intro' : 'Such a great love could only start at [siteName].. Let's hope it's a girl!' }, 'stories_3':{ 'dataM': { 'name': 'Olivier', 'age': '26 years old', 'city': 'Buffalo (USA)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_3_m.jpg', 'answer0': 'To find new friends', 'answer1': 'I did', 'answer2': 'I was impressed by her picture', 'answer3': 'The wink, then the other instruments', 'answer4': 'We are not making plans because things between us are spontaneous and we both think that's great!' }, 'dataF': { 'name': 'Elise', 'age': '27 years old', 'city': 'Austin (USA)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_3_f.jpg', 'answer0': 'I never took those things seriously, I just wanted to chat to kill time', 'answer1': 'He contacted me', 'answer2': 'The description', 'answer3': 'The wink and chat', 'answer4': 'To never break up! ' }, 'photoMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_3.jpg', 'photoBigMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_3_big.jpg', 'intro' : 'I found my princess thanks to [siteName]' }, 'stories_4':{ 'dataM': { 'name': 'Michael', 'age': '24 years old', 'city': ' Liverpool (UK)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_4_m.jpg', 'answer0': 'To find my soul mate and out of curiosity', 'answer1': 'I did', 'answer2': 'Nothing at the beginning. She didn't even have a profile picture. Then we started knowing each other through the private chat', 'answer3': 'All these tools together, I had to get her attention!', 'answer4': 'We’re planning to spend as much as possible time together.' }, 'dataF': { 'name': 'Lora', 'age': '21 years old', 'city': 'Manchester (UK)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_4_f.jpg', 'answer0': 'Out of curiosity and to meet new people', 'answer1': 'He contacted me first and at the beginning I treated him really bad... Poor guy!', 'answer2': 'The way he looks and how he described himself', 'answer3': 'He sent me a wink and then contacted by chat', 'answer4': 'To spend a lot of good time together.' }, 'photoMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_4.jpg', 'photoBigMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_4_big.jpg', 'intro' : 'I met my dream, my soul mate, my great love. Thank you [siteName]!' }, 'stories_5':{ 'dataM': { 'name': 'Joshua', 'age': '39 years old', 'city': 'Birmingham (UK)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_5_m.jpg', 'answer0': 'I was looking for friendship and a special woman', 'answer1': 'I did', 'answer2': 'Physical appearance, common interests', 'answer3': 'The wink and the [siteName] chat', 'answer4': 'We’re planning to go and live together pretty soon.' }, 'dataF': { 'name': 'Juliette', 'age': '37 years old', 'city': 'Oxford (UK)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_5_f.jpg', 'answer0': 'To look for my prince charming', 'answer1': 'He did', 'answer2': 'The description, common interests', 'answer3': 'He sent me a wink, then contacted me by chat', 'answer4': 'Be together!' }, 'photoMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_5.jpg', 'photoBigMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_5_big.jpg', 'intro' : 'Happiness exists, you have to believe in it. One day I sat in front of my pc and I said: Today I...' }, 'stories_6':{ 'dataM': { 'name': 'Nate', 'age': '34 years old', 'city': 'Brisbain (Australia)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_6_m.jpg', 'answer0': 'It looked like a new and different way to meet people', 'answer1': 'I did', 'answer2': 'That look in those pictures... I could read something beautiful through her eyes', 'answer3': 'I called her thanks to the chat', 'answer4': 'To keep being overwhelmed by our love… ' }, 'dataF': { 'name': 'Serena', 'age': '32 years old', 'city': 'Brisbain (Australia)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_6_f.jpg', 'answer0': 'Out of curiosity', 'answer1': 'He did', 'answer2': 'For me it was the description, I could feel like it was written from the heart', 'answer3': 'The chat.. and then he called me!', 'answer4': 'We started living together a few months ago and we’d like to keep loving each other this much. ' }, 'photoMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_6.jpg', 'photoBigMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_6_big.jpg', 'intro' : 'Thanks to [siteName] a beautiful love story, which changed our lives, was born' }, 'stories_7':{ 'dataM': { 'name': 'Daniel', 'age': '37 years old', 'city': 'New Island (USA)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_7_m.jpg', 'answer0': 'I registered at [siteName] out of curiosity', 'answer1': 'She did', 'answer2': 'Her naughty picture', 'answer3': 'Messages', 'answer4': 'Plans?! Be together as much as possible.' }, 'dataF': { 'name': 'Vanessa', 'age': '28 years old', 'city': 'Albany (USA)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_7_f.jpg', 'answer0': 'Advice from my best friend', 'answer1': 'I did', 'answer2': 'I was preparing an exam on Italian literature, I wanted to talk to an Italian and his picture caught my attention.. so cute!', 'answer3': 'Messages and the chat', 'answer4': 'After the university I hope to find a job in New Island and be forever together with my Daniel.' }, 'photoMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_7.jpg', 'photoBigMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_7_big.jpg', 'intro' : 'When I saw her picture for the first time I melted like an ice cream under the sun.' }, 'stories_8':{ 'dataM': { 'name': 'Albert', 'age': '44 years old', 'city': 'Bath (UK)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_8_m.jpg', 'answer0': 'Out of curiosity, for fun, and to meet new people hoping to find my soul mate', 'answer1': 'She did', 'answer2': 'How sweet her description was.', 'answer3': 'Messages and then chat.', 'answer4': 'To live intensely this history.' }, 'dataF': { 'name': 'Hanna', 'age': '46 years old', 'city': 'Chicago (USA)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_8_f.jpg', 'answer0': 'A friend of mine suggested it to me. Then I started chatting every night, thinking it was a good way to find a partner', 'answer1': 'I did', 'answer2': 'The description, common interests, and our past (we are both divorced with kids)', 'answer3': 'Messages', 'answer4': 'We both wish to continue this beautiful relationship and I really hope to be able to love him more each day. ' }, 'photoMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_8.jpg', 'photoBigMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_8_big.jpg', 'intro' : 'I had just finished a complicated story and thanks to [siteName] I met someone special.' }, 'stories_9':{ 'dataM': { 'name': 'Martin', 'age': '32 years old', 'city': 'Berlin (Germany)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_9_m.jpg', 'answer0': 'To find a person which had my same views.', 'answer1': 'Me like a good prince.', 'answer2': 'Everything', 'answer3': 'Messages and then the chat', 'answer4': 'What she said.. mmm we have a lot of plans! They are all dreams which I wish will come true one day.' }, 'dataF': { 'name': 'Norah', 'age': '30 years old', 'city': 'Canberra (Australia)', 'photo': '/global/img/stories/stories_9_f.jpg', 'answer0': 'To meet new guys', 'answer1': 'Actually, he did it!', 'answer2': 'Pictures and messages', 'answer3': 'He sent me a wink and then messages', 'answer4': 'Our biggest dream is to live together.' }, 'photoMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_9.jpg', 'photoBigMF' : '/global/img/stories/stories_9_big.jpg', 'intro' : 'Like in a dream I found love one day' } }

Onedate Rencontre Extraordinaire, Parfois On Rencontre Des Gens Par Hasard, Une Rencontre Bof, Rencontre Vimoutiers 61120. Site de rencontre 100% gratuit. Chat, send letters, call, share your photos. Karen, Boston, MA. I met a really wonderful man and we started dating. Luckily, we have so many things in common. He’s amazing and I’m head over heels in love with him. Thanks for your help! I’ve finally found my soulmate. Samuel, Atlanta, GA. Welcome to eLoveDates Completely Free Dating Site. ELoveDates is a 100% free dating site for singles worldwide. All features are free, no hidden charges, no credit card required. Completely free dating site, with thousands of singles from all parts of the world.

Wow! When I first landed on the first word that came to my mind was “comical” as of April 2015 OneDate currently has a member registration counter that keeps ticking up and up! As of write now their number of “Already registered people” sits at 13,477,517 but wait if I click the refresh button the “Already registered people” counter goes back to 13,477,145 “Already registered people”? As of April 2015 does have over 13 million members? who knows? They claim to have been around since 2005 so theoretically it’s possible for them to have 13+ million members however based on their registration member counter thingy I personally won’t be recommending them. Privacy Policy

If you’re going to sign up for OneDate be sure to read their terms and conditions and their privacy policy. If you live in the United States be sure to read section “1.3. Who can access that information” where it states the following:

During sign-up, the user expresses his/her consent to communicate his/her data to ONEDATE’s partners for marketing or commerical purposes.


You can read the Privacy Policy in full by going to
Currently Onedate has been created by

TEKKA DATE SA, Via Trevano 7, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland

As I’ve stated in other posts I don’t join foreign owned dating websites if you live in the United States or Canada be careful when joining foreign owned dating sites like, they have different laws and do things differently. I’ve learned the hard way and I’ve lost thousands of dollars because of foreign owned dating websites so if you’re going to sign up for OneDate at the very least skim through their terms and conditions prior to joining. as another example of what I mean section “1.2. Contents divulgated by the Members” of the privacy policy states


By publishing or broadcasting such content at ONEDATE site, members authorize ONEDATE expressly to reproduce, represent, adapt, translate, convert into digital format, extract completely or partially such content for any advertisement, marketing or any other purpose, to grant or authorize subcontracts, at ONEDATE site or any other partner channel of the site, on any support or by any broadcasting means, especially digital means (email, SMS, Internet, CD-Rom or DVD-Rom) or audio-visual communication (press, radio, terrestrial, digital, cable or satellite television.)

Final thoughts regarding

Is legit? Obviously based on the up in the air registration numbers I’m not going to call Onedate legit however I won’t call them a scam either based on my personal reviews if you live in Switzerland or in Europe could be considered. Based on my review i’m not recommending to anyone but in fairness I’ve seen worse online dating websites than so if you join good luck and again I don’t recommend them.


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